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If you're interviewing for a phlebotomist position, it's helpful to know some common questions employers may ask during the process. 4. They are responsible for drawing blood from many patients, and they must perform their duties successfully on the first attempt, or their patients will experience discomfort or pain. Is a Master's in Computer Science Worth it. You find it hard to admit you have made a mistake and will often persevere with a course of action even when it isn't appropriate. While technical skills for a phlebotomist are most important it is also imperative that you have additional qualities and skills to work in a medical field. Begin your healthcare career journey today! Let's now look at a list of strengths and weaknesses connected with your education and experience that could come in useful in a job interview! I have an original way of looking at and solving problems. How long do you want to work for our company? Persuasion, Creativity, Communication, Tact, Confidence, Poise, Advocacy, Rhythm, Problem Solving, Dynamic Movement, Resilience, Optimism, Ingenuity, listening, Networking, Clarity, empathy, Respect, Verbal Dexterity, Good Judgment. You don't like following orders and prefer to decide for yourself. What areas in your career do you feel you could improve? This is critical because so many people that are entering hospitals and healthcare facilities also have other healthcare issues that could be transmitted unless certain procedures are put in place. I demand the best from the people around me and above all from myself. Speaking at an official meeting was for a long time an insurmountable challenge for me until I You're sure that your point of view is the right one and try to impose it on others. From my current role, I know the ins and outs of SAP very well, so I can anticipate problems before they arise. There's nothing that can stop you from finishing what you start: you possess granite-like willpower. Meaning it's time to move on to the list of weaknesses What are good' weaknesses for a job interview? That's why I've always got a whole load of projects on the go. But I understand now that it is beneficial to myself and the organization to do so when I need it. Instead, your mind forges new paths into unchartered territory. Your phlebotomy technician career is waiting for you! Not every draw is a quick one, even if the patient has lots of easy-to-find draw sites. It's not that I can't do it, just that I find it a pain to have to restrain myself. The ability to remain calm is one of my key professional strengths. While your determination can be a strength, it keeps you from changing course after a mistake. This is especially prevalent when working in emergencies and trauma centers. dialing and text messaging) via the telephone, mobile device (including SMS and MMS) using the phone numbers provided above, and/or email, even if your telephone number is on a corporate, state or the National Do Not Call Registry, and you agree to our terms of use and privacy policy. The beaten track holds no interest for you. Just like many other careers, there can be career burnout in a position as a phlebotomist. I believe that organization is critical for any successful project, which is why I have worked hard to make the ability to organize one of my greatest strengths. So I am learning to overcome this by breaking things down into short and medium-term projects, which I am more comfortable with.. So, without compromising on who I am, I decided to . Honesty. So, endeavor to find out before your interview and make sure to tailor these sample answers according to your story. I have an irrational fear of failure, one that keeps me from expressing my thoughts. After all, if they can be improved, why not do it? The following are examples of strengths at work: Hard skills. Locating a healthy vein, taking the blood draw, and sending it to the lab for diagnostics is critical for those that are looking for answers for their maladies. Some of these are: 1. What are some technical phlebotomy skills you might learn in a program? But your capacity to recognize a weakness and work toward improvement can actually be a strength. You're in a constant state of anxiety and the stress is causing you psychological damage. Phlebotomists often work in hospitals, labs, private practices, clinics, The American Red Cross, nursing homes, VA clinics, emergency centers, community health centers, prisons, drug treatments centers, and volunteer work. I like well-established, conventional ways of doing things. This is because they will often be a part of a larger medical team. Many works between 8-12 hours a day; they often are called to work holidays, nights, and a combination of day and night shifts. Communication skills. I made it here on time.. Its important for a phlebotomist to be able to work well with other people in order to deliver the highest standard of care possible to patients. We do not claim our questions will be asked in any interview you may have. If you want to enter the medical profession, and you dont have a problem with blood, this may be a great career for you. That's why one of the aspects of my personality I would like to draw your attention to is my altruism, which has helped me on a number of occasions during my career You are able to naturally connect with and understand the people you come into contact with, even without speaking to them. Your principal concern is yourself. #1 Blown Veins There are many causes of this unfortunate yet typically harmless event. Many want an entre into the medical field to see if this is something they want to make a career of, and this is a fast and inexpensive way to get a foot in the door and explore medicine as a career. They can be difficult patients as they may have a fear of you and the needle and may have a difficult time sitting still. You must create your own answers, and be prepared for any interview question in any interview. The test assesses 20 applicable strengths across four different domains. While all medical facilities do their best to reduce the incidence of transmission of infection and diseases, they can occur. You know what you have to do and are able to complete your work on your own initiative. Most people do not like getting stuck with a needle or having blood drawn. While an oversized needle or incorrect insertion can cause a vein to blow, sensitive and fragile vein walls also are often to blame. Doctors, nurses and patients often rely heavily on the results from blood work in order to determine proper diagnosis and treatment for patients. These are skills you can learn in a training program that are designed to teach you how to perform your duties as a phlebotomist. From proper equipment handling, sanitary procedures and drawing of blood, learning these skills in a quality training program is key to feeling confident when entering the workforce. The self- assessment five-factor helps in knowing strengths and weaknesses. I find it hard to turn others down out of fear of disappointing them, even at the cost of my work. Because some patients or clients are afraid of having their blood drawn, it is especially important that Phlebotomists are caring and understanding while performing their duties in order to make the patient feel as comfortable and at ease as possible. Phlebotomists have a challenging job that requires knowledge, dedication, and amazing attention to detail. Begin your healthcare career journey today!Request information to learn more today!Request Information. This simultaneously distracts from your work while keeping others from growing as independent workers. Are you considering pursuing a career in phlebotomy? My blogs and articles consistently perform well and reach the top of Google searches.. Take the first step! Once you've got used to a certain way of doing things, you find it difficult to imagine another way of doing them. Analytical skills. This weakness in my relations with other has, however, lessened ever since You approach everything as if it was a game, even when this is inappropriate. Not only did this help get me through that first presentation, but it also helped me feel more confident as a leader. Even in the middle of a major crisis you keep your composure, because you know that acting hastily is never advisable. Years of reading and writing mean words come easy to you. It takes time for you to build a rapport with your colleagues and the thought of speaking at a meeting sends you into a cold sweat. Variations might include: What would your current manager/colleagues say is your biggest weakness? Here are some weaknesses that you might select from for your response: Self-critical Insecure Disorganized Prone to procrastination Uncomfortable with public speaking Uncomfortable with delegating tasks Risk-averse Competitive Sensitive/emotional Extreme introversion or extroversion Limited experience in a particular skill or software Many find that phlebotomy programs are short and affordable when compared to other medical positions. 2023 Coursera Inc. All rights reserved. 12 Types of Interviews You May Find in a Job Search, 30 Technical Interview Questions to Help You Prepare, Transferable Skills: How to Use Them to Land Your Next Job. My professional career contains numerous examples of the benefits of this quality You are always probing beneath the surface of things, looking for hidden motives to subject to critical scrutiny. What would you do if you saw a coworker being mean to a patient? There's not a single detail of your work which isn't exactly the way you planned it. The bureau states that the need for phlebotomists will rise 22% from 2020 to 2030, which is considerably faster than most occupations. No job is perfect, so those that are considering entering the medical field as a phlebotomist need to be aware of some of the negatives that go along with the job. Being an introvert, you find it hard to share your ideas with others, even when they are good. Please describe what you feel are the three most important characteristics for a phlebotomist to have, and explain your choices. After a period of self-reflection, I have put systems in place to help me strike a better balance between both sides of my life.. It brings huge benefits though You analyze the lie of the land and find the most suitable solution for every situation. Sometimes a patient is reassigned to a different room before the change can be documented. As a sensitive soul, you tend to take things personally when they go wrong. Weaknesses include blind spots, poorly developed skills, or problematic personal behaviors. What is your opinion on working with blood? Experienced phlebotomists know the importance of using draw chairs, stations, and supplies that fit their unique work style. I am always seeking perfection, which makes me work on projects long after I should have finished. Mention one or two top strengths, and provide examples of how youve used them in the workplace. You are motivated by the pressure of trying to meet the deadline, and you dont always succeed. It can be difficult to explain to someone that they have thick blood without sounding negative. Listing your strengths and weaknesses is a beneficial exercise that helps to motivate a range of positive cognitive and behavioral changes. The medical industry is constantly growing and the need for medical workers is steadily increasing throughout the healthcare industry. such feedback? It is also hard for you to strike a balance between honesty and rudeness. So, now I make a substantial effort to stick only to responsibilities within my job description.. 15 Insightful Questions to Ask a Hiring Manager During Your Next Interview, Interviewing Skills to Benefit Your Career, What Are Interpersonal Skills? Blown veins can be frightening for both patients and phlebotomists, especially new phlebotomists. You are always sure you have the superior argument, opinion, or idea. My stand-out quality and the strength that has helped me most at work is my curiosity. There was one time in particular You're driven by success. Over the past two years, I have been improving by breaking responsibilities into smaller, streamlined processes and trusted my team members to facilitate the decision-making process.. How would you draw tubes for a CBC, CMP, and PT? That's obvious enough at a personal level, but I've also realized just how important the ability to listen is at work. 20 Professional Development Goal Examples, 15 Best Google Fonts Similar To Helvetica, Futura, Avenir, & Others. Ability to Multitask. How would you describe a typical day as a phlebotomist? Scared of pissing off people, you let bad ideas dominate, even when you have better ones. For example there was the time when nobody could work out You know that the team performance is much more important than that of any one individual. We believe in simplicity, clean, customizable and user-friendly interface with quality code. So that's where my perfectionism works against me. Without a doubt, one of my main qualities is my versatility: I've taken on a number of fairly varied roles and have always managed to successfully adapt to the specific circumstances. To fix it, I have been throwing myself into new situations, albeit inconsequential, to improve my mental flexibility.. To strike a better balance, Ive been learning to trust my instincts and dive in headfirst.. On occasions, this has led me to putting my foot down and doing things my own way. I try to apply this rule on a daily basis as it's a real source of motivation for me. Answering this question requires self-evaluation and honesty. A concrete example of how this has benefited me was when Once you've identified a goal, you reach it no matter what the cost. You're never content with what you already know and always want to find out something more. You go out of your way to make sure only your ideas win. Since recognizing the problem, I have developed a framework for meeting my KPI with or without detailed instructions.. I was so nervous, but I realized I had to overcome this fear. While an oversized needle or incorrect insertion can cause a vein to blow, sensitive and fragile vein walls also are often to blame. I find it humiliating having somebody always telling me what to do. Unsurprisingly, it affected the quality of my work. I know we all do that to a certain degree, but it has become something that I am aware of. Compassion. But I am most known for my attention to detail. I work out how to achieve success in a specific situation by applying a series of tried-and-tested processes. 10. In the past I found it hard to keep it in check. Phlebotomist - What are your strengths and weaknesses?| Learn Phlebotomist Questions 97 Questions 1. If somebody tells you to do something in a certain way, you nod and then do things the way you want. For example, there was the time when everyone wanted. This means you are often unsatisfied, because you don't have time to do things as well as you would like. Read more: Interviewing Skills to Benefit Your Career, When you approach this question, think about the positive qualities you embody and the skills you possess that serve you well in the workplace. Consistency is one of my strengths: I always complete the projects assigned to me not because I'm the one who gets through the most work in a day, but simply because there's never a day when I do less than the day before Undeterred by failure and unaffected by others losing their cool, yours is truly the patience of a saint. To deal with it, I use a daily checklist that helps me keep track of my affairs, and the results have been encouraging. Strengths. A Phlebotomists primary duty is drawing blood. They are often called to work long days but work fewer days per week. Being in the healthcare environment as a phlebotomist can also lead to an interest in other medical positions. The description is followed by a concrete example of each weakness. Being a team player. So having a job as a phlebotomist will earn a solid income in a stable work environment. For every repetitive action do an opposite and equal action. I always try to avoid confrontation to keep the peace. It's difficult for me to close out a project if I know that there are aspects that can be improved on. I learned this through [HOW YOU DEVELOPED STRENGTH], and this allowed me to [IMPACT of STRENGTH] at my current/previous job/experience. Independent and untrusting, you prefer to do everything yourself because you do not trust others to execute tasks at your standards. We do this by creating interview questions that we think you might be asked. Your mind tends to wander, and this seeps into your productivity. You're willing to work with others, socializing and sharing and creating a climate conducive to team-work. Public speaking. Phlebotomy is when someone uses a needle to take blood from a vein, usually in your arm. Being detail oriented. THE STRENGTH THAT'S ACTUALLY A WEAKNESS ANSWER "I'm a total workaholic. This not only helps me focus on how I'm benefiting the team, but it also has also helped me get better at prioritizing my most impactful tasks. Do this with good practice, and you will stand out from the pack. This leads to decision paralysis and has kept you from getting things done quickly and excellently. Also of concern are the dress code, language, and attitude of the phlebotomy staff. What device do you use when doing pediatric blood draws? Rigorous Themes is a WordPress theme store which is a bunch of super professional, multi-functional themes with elegant designs. I would definitely choose the ability to build a rapport and work as part of a team as one of my strengths. It is also fast-paced with no room for error. All of the bending and turning from workstation to patient can result in some serious knots or worse. In my role as an electrical engineer, I learned to perform well under pressure when designing equipment because our team would not be able to win a contract unless we produced the blueprints quickly, with as few resources as possible.