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readers are not as devout or informed as others. Rev Fr McGinnity PhD ; Rev Fr Gerard McGinnity Doctor of Theology relates his experience in relation to Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill and Christina Gallagher to whom he is her spiritual director. from every person who goes there via these travel leaders. Mama Quattrini, San Damiano -'Blessed Grapes' (1961-1970), !? Could be a hoax based on the hoax-text of the 'Bishop of Ageda'. They say she has expensive taste for imported Italian clothes and jewelry. (*) ST. ODILE '8th century Prophecies'- 20th Century hoax. her experience of going to Brazil to see John of God, who } Religion". Her visions teach heresies, doctrinal errors, contradicts true mystics. I left on my trip I prayed that the Lord would open my eyes to the truth, This is for them. Arguelles' 'approval' in September 2015 NULL AND VOID as he had no authority to overturn a papal decision. The False Claim that a Medjugorje visionary approved of Christina's visions, 19. The Church gives her approval to them only when she is satisfied after rigorous examination of their spiritual utility and of the evidence on which they depend. and Marriage situations. people bleeding, etc. St. Nicholas of Flue 'Prophecy' (1417-1487), !? (*) TELESPHORUS of COSENZA (d. 1388)- pseudo-pen name assumed by an anonymous monk attached to the heretical 'Fraticelli' during the Western Schism of the medieval period. -- Protestant pastor / theologian with a Great Monarch prophecy attributed to him, and, interest in the Great Monarch focuses on a 'Protestant' king bringing corrupt Rome to the Reformed Faith. :::::::::::: * Please help support this site, click here to find out how. (*) DAVID PAREAUS (POREAUS) (1548-1622) --Protestant theologian making a mocking false description of the Great Monarch and non-prophetical comments on a Great Monarch prophecy, not credible as a real prophecy. So, be careful! main sources for discernment are the Traditional Douay-Rheims Bible, and the Archbishop Raymond C Damage was done. You //--> We we warned fake mystics would flood the earth like a swarm of flies during this time to keep people distracted and from believing or following the authentic mystics. is a healer. as part of my research for an Masters Degree in Mariology. Celebration of the sacraments and reservation of the Blessed Sacrament at the House of Prayer are not permitted. Those who receive it willingly will die - unto eternal death.". Joachim de Fiori further misattributed to. var navR = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount + "_Right"); Condemned by the Church, contains heresies / errors, also fake sacramentals taking away focus from the Rosary, etcfirst to come up with the 'Blessed Grapes' chastisement remedy, which is obviously is a demonic distraction tactic to keep people from authentic preparations as it is claimed after all the prep-work in getting the grapes, you may not be among the chosen to be 'spared' in the end, even if you eat them. McGinnity had told him and that her messages all are compatible with the messages of Medjugorje and Vassulas. Not an authentic prophet. Until we can recognize that Jesus is in each and everyone we meet, how can we recognize Christ present in the Blessed Eucharist, and present in the world, living among us?. (*) BL. Sr. Bertina (Bertine) Bouquillon (Boquillon) (1800-1850), !? (*) IDA PEERDEMAN - 'LADY OF ALL NATIONS' (1945-1959) - NOT SUPERNATURAL- visions no longer recognised by the Church. Former advisor to seers is laicized for suspect mysticism, --not officially approved by the Church. were urging her to go to Brazil, but she said she would only go if her The Sunday World was the first paper to reveal how the House of Prayer was a money-making operation which helped Gallagher build up a multi-million property portfolio. Basically, the same error Luther fell into, he believed he was given the grace to reinterpret what the Bible really meant and led many souls astray. Obviously not real. Problematic website: while the webmasters promote some authentic mystics on this site, they also promote several of the suspicious or condemned mystics named above, even when they know one of them has been recently condemned by the Church - the site also presents an erroneous timeline of end time events from the fake mystics that contradicts the teachings of St. Paul regarding the Antichrist, and it shows indications towards a heretical Millenarian slant, The Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies, Click here to see the guidelines the Church uses. Richard offered me the following information on Medjugorje: To clarify about pilgrimages to Medjugorje: individual Catholic faithful (*) VERONICA LUEKEN - 'BAYSIDE APPARITIONS, NY' - (1970s - 1990s): --- condemned by the Church. plainly engaged in practices of spiritism: "he can call on more than 34 doctor entities who use him as a vessel to perform the amazing surgery Christ said the gates of Hell shall never prevail, so it cannot and will not be totally destroyed in earth until Christ comes at the Second Coming and only the Church Triumphant will exist. The original text was actually taken from an anti-Catholic sermon against the Jesuit Order by the Protestant archbishop of Dublin, George Brown, infamous for burning the crozier of St. Patrick. Below is a list synopsis-- click on the BOLD TITLE HEADINGS to see more information for each one. ), (*) CAESARIUS of HEISTERBACH (c. 1180 - c. 1240), (*) The 'CEDAR OF LEBANON' PROPHECY (c- 1239-1287, 1347 AD), (*) BROTHER JOHN of the CLEFT ROCK (b. (*) UNIVERSIAL "ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE" EVENT, (*) ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO (354-430 AD) -, (*) HEPIDANUS of ST. GALLEN (c.1010 / 1034 - c. 1072 /1088 AD) -, (*) ST. ANSELM of CANTERBURY (1033- 1109 AD), (*) ST. MALACHY and the 'BLACK POPE' or 'CAPUT NIGRUM' PROPHECY' (c. 1094-1148), (*) 'BISHOP CHRISTIANOS of AGEDA' (AGREDA) - (1172-1204 AD), (*) ST. ANGELUS (ANGEL) OF JERUSALEM (1185- c. 1222 ? Connors, Georgia has become a New Age Cult. other charlatan psychic surgeons. MICHEL RODRIGUE ' APOSTLE of the LAST TIMES' (present day). The book is ), !? Hi Elizabeth, sent from God. Please, if anyone is considering a trip to Brazil for healing, at the Joachim of Fiore. Hepidanus of St. Gallen (c. 1010 / 1034 c. 1072 /1088), !? He did, nonetheless, allow the House of Prayer to continue. This visions seem to distract from the traditional rosary as if teay won't give the promise of helping the unborn, etc. recently condemned by the Holy See as 'not supernatural'. De Dom Incio.". var navR = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount + "_Right"); Furthermore, to spread the messages about her 'visions' as 'authentic' is officially declared an act of disobedience to the point of breaking unity with the Catholic Faith. !? God reserves authority over the angels and reserves their names to Himself. (The Church teaches we are not required to believe private revelations, so God certainly won't abandon you if you don't believe these.) Still not officially approved by the Church despite allowing pilgrims attend, thus creating confusion, especially as later messages contain revelations against traditional Catholic teaching / tradition. St. Padre Pio 'Letter' to Conchita Garabandal (1962), !? The original text was actually taken from an anti-Catholic sermon against the Jesuit Order by the Protestant archbishop of Dublin, George Brown, infamous for burning the crozier of St. Patrick. Father Gobbis claims that the real person of the antichrist will appear this year, will end him once and for all. Doctors and saints of the Church have taught for centuries. The list also includes HERETICAL TEACHINGS, and mystics and apparitions NOT APPROVED by the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. "Diocesan efforts to integrate this work ended in July, 1998 when it was closed by Mrs. Gallagher. Private devotion to Our Lady under the title of 'Our Lady of America' still permitted, but the visions themselves are not approved. var navL = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount + "_Left"); (*) PALMA MARIA MATTARELLI D'ORIA (1825-1888): (*) VISIONS of EZQUIOGA, Basque Country, Spain (1931 --), (*) TERESITA CASTILLO, 'MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACE', LIPA, PHILIPPINES (1948 --), (*) ST. PADRE PIO - 'THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS' PROPHECY / LETTER (1950) -also "12 MESSAGES FROM JESUS". You think if only we could say the right thing to make her see. The False Claim that a Medjugorje visionary approved of Christina's visions, The Rant of Fr. These are not tru miracles, but only apparent ones, wrought by the natural abilities of fallen angels. In an earlier message, which she claimed came directly from Jesus just before the vaccines had been produced, she said: "Fire, pestilence, plague, famine and the third world war will rage upon the earth until two thirds of the world's population is wiped out. } Copies of my public statements are available on www.tuamarchdiocese.org/news. of the Casa, The really sad part is that many good, kind, and suffering (*) ST. ANGELUS (ANGEL) OF JERUSALEM (1185- c. 1222 ?) tLHandle += "_Hover"; Wish Phil Kronzer happy truth-hunting in England. Opened with the approval of then Archbishop of Tuam, Joseph Cassidy, these house was to be a place of prayer for all of Our Ladys children with particular importance for priests. Any approved Charismatic Visions features 'Rapture' like predictions more in keeping with Protestant thinking, etc. McGinnity against Bishops who disapprove of Christina, the visionary they met seemed holy and devout, they felt great devotion, and other feelings at these apparitions, various signs and apparent miracles occured. } St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109 AD), !? Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg (1788-1862), ?? The bishop here has not approved There is supposed to be an aura of spirituality there, as told to us by a woman Gallagher, I do have some pretty strong opinions in this area. is christina gallagher approved by the catholic church . MICHEL RODRIGUE ' APOSTLE of the LAST TIMES' (present day)--Claims to have supernatural visions, but his revelations contradict end time events taught by St. Paul and by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, indications towards a Millenarian heresy slant. Hope this helps, Celebration of the sacraments and reservation of the Blessed Sacrament at the House of Prayer are not permitted. (*) LITERAL INTERPRETATIONS of the 1000 YEARS RIGN in the Book of the APOCALYPSE: literal interpretations of the number 1000 have been declared heretical, and this includes any attempt to interpret the Age of Peace as lasting a literal 1,000 years. 'Blessed' Rembordt (Rembord) the 'Monk' (1689-1793), !? And, the text was condemned by the Orthodox as a fake in 1912. She said she asked if they could train their priests on how to discuss the issue with their parishioners rather than bury their heads in the sand. People would go to her for help and advice, but obviously since she believes these pictures and prayers have provided her with protection, essentially she's being taking risks - physical, emotional, social and financial risks. Prophet Isaias / Isaiah (prophecies begin c. 785 B THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS Scripture References, ?? Obviously not real. As has been the case over the past seven years, this latest article is a tissue of misleading information and lies. Does Imprimatur & Nihil Obstat = Church approval? "My mother is a clever woman. ), only those who believe these visions will be protected during the chastisements and see the renewal' = demanding 'exclusive belief' to the visions and the mystic, sign of a fake. Disobedience to the Church is a sure sign of a fake mystic. Year Approved Event Mr. yes Mr. Filippi Emily OCF Sr. Dr. Johnson Lenten Mission . (*) The 'CEDAR OF LEBANON' PROPHECY (c- 1239-1287, 1347 AD) - old astronomy prophecy foretelling the invasion of the Mongolian invaders chopped and changed over the centuries to make it relevant to the times and therefore not a real prophecy. There is an element of credibility to his 'Birch Tree Prophecies', this was just misattributed. Also look on-line for, John of God Brazil, because it appears to (*) HEPIDANUS of ST. GALLEN (c.1010 / 1034 - c. 1072 /1088 AD) - evidence of 19th century hoax / forgery. While this was then attempted by the Archdiocese, I became increasingly perturbed by an apparent absence of enthusiasm on the parts of Mrs Gallagher and her associates. harm in her going! I know it can't be easy to read a lot of skeptical material about something The principal Miscellaneous New Age Prayer/Meditation. - Anonymous mystic from Dublin discovered to be Mary Carberry associated with a PR firm making a rake of money off her condemned books and unofficial sacramentals. Here is one of several such messages: "The uniting of the currency through Maastricht would be suppressed. choose to stay away! If we could just find the right words, but there are no right words. All rights reserved. Read carefully about it, and you may discover, as we have, that The Sunday World has highlighted, over the years, how Gallagher, who claims to receive messages from Jesus, has lived in various luxurious mansions while claiming pictures of the Virgin Mary, which the House of Prayer sells for 250, will offer protection from a coming apocalypse. Uniformative vague predictions of future events, 6. There is supposed to be an aura of spirituality there, as told to us by a woman Read more and view the list of local recipient organizations here. Even so, this 'Theory' still used by Trad priests, also fake Trad cult leaders to rake in money from unsuspecting Trad Catholics. Also, seems to distract from the rosary, the promises say you can ONLY use this specific set of beads to get the promises for the unborn, but what about the traditional ROSARY itself, not to mention indulgened beads that have touched relics, etc? [3] Her fake 'Book of Truth' messages have been condemned by the Church. - fake / hoax prophecy against the 'secret sects', aka the Freemasons, created with a name change. Literal interpretations are usually found in gnostic heretical documents, also those who expand on the condemned heresies of Chiliasm and Millenarianism. shows what the Catholic Teaching is on this subject and how to spot a fake mystic when they deviate from the traditionally accepted teachings. group leaders in other words, this is how they make their living. How do I recognise and prepare for the Three Days of Darkness? What happened next is best described in the words of the Archbishop of Tuam, Michael Neary. } whatever it might be. Also, attempts to 'correctly explain' other passages in the Bible as if it 'has not been done correctly' by the Church for centuries therefore contradicts the doctrine that the Catholic Church is the only God-given authority that has the right and can properly interpret the Bible and teach doctrine and morals. Yet even more will do so in a short time. Like Like Nothing delusional 9.46. just absolutely solid undeniable facts. --- condemned by the Church. Your warning and protection. Arguelles' 'approval' in September 2015 NULL AND VOID as he had no authority to overturn a papal decision. investigated and declared no evidence of miracles or of the supernatural. by Not authentic. ::::::::::::::::::::::: 16 juin 2022 parasitism in the sonoran desert. //-->. (*) MAMA QUATTRINI (QUATRINI / QUNATRINI) of SAM DAMIANO and the 'BLESSED GRAPES', etc. Here I think it is important to develop a prayerful attitude THOLOPHRE (THEOLOPHIS / THEOPHILUS / (16th Century) - Misattributed. That credibility comes from Fr McGinnity. I looked up this visionary and from what I researched, Failed prophecies. Any other name can be a suggestion given by a demon, or come from occult Cabala, and, naming our angel ourselves is wrong as we do not have the authority over our angels to do so. According to the traditional Douay-Rheims bible, the Roman Catholic Church has taught the number is symbolic, not literal. (*) 'CAPUCHIN FRIAR' PROPHECY (1776?) Joachim of Fiore. last year with an overview of her problems: Chris and Elle, Almost all the false visionaries in the world today seem holy and devout. of the Medjugorje phenomenon: The Medjugorje case is a complicated matter, with its own dramatic aspects, There may have been healings there but what is the source of that healing Latest accounts filed by the Irish House of Prayer revealed the company has reserves of 1.8m - an increase of more than 300,000 on the previous year. Fruits were good in terms of prayer and money for the Island. tLHandle += "_Hover"; } Various signs and apparent miracles seem to occur, but Christ himself warned us about false prophets and false signs and wonders. and non-judgmental with respect to religious and spiritual beliefs, however, (*) JULIE WHEDBEE 'DAUGHTER OF THE KING' (2000 to present day): (*) FRANCINE BRIAULT - "AMOUR POUR TOUS LES MEINS, JESUS" (LOVE FOR ALL MY CHILDREN; JESUS) - (2001- c. 2004), (*) 'JENNIFER' of the USA, 'WORDS FROM JESUS', (2001 - c. 2012), (*) FRIAR ELIAS del SAFRADO CORAZON de JESUS, and the 'GRACE MERCY ORDER' in URUGUAY, (2007 to present day):---. var tLHandle = navL.className.replace(/_Hover/i, ""); Very problematic as her visions and fake miracles instilled disobedience with certain members of clergy to the point her fake visions were obviously demonic tactics meant to discredit and impede the causes of true mystics, especially Marie-Julie Jahenny and those inspired by Jahenny's visions and mission, such as Ven. Sinai the 4th century. She claims that her House of Prayer on Achill Island is the House of Prayer mentioned in the Bible, 13. The relationship deteriorated to the extent that Mrs. Gallagher, in July, 1998, closed the House of Prayer at Achill, expressing to the media at the time a sense of having been harshly treated by the Archdiocese. Please help support this site, click here to find out how. "Fr McGinnity gives Christina credibility and her messages are tying in the Catholic Church. (*) ST. PADRE PIO 'LETTER TO CONCHITA of GARABANDAL' (1962): Obvious forgery, contains encouragement to spread unapproved "new mysteries" of the Rosary based on the Fatima apparitions -- the apparitions are not dogma, are not based on Biblical scriptures, and we are not even required to believe in for salvation. (*) VISIONS of EZQUIOGA, Basque Country, Spain (1931 --) --- condemned by the Church. St. Padre Pio 'Three Days of Darkness Letter' (1950) and "12 Messages of Jesus", !? Another relative said: "It's got to the point now that it's so bad. I actually met a woman there with terminal liver cancer whose children died c. 1366-1370 AD) - the monk Johannes Rupecisa, one of the first medieval monks to promote the heretical literal interpretation of the 1000 year reign mentioned in the Apocalypse. ST. HILARION THE GREAT OF CZENSTOCHAU / (291-371 AD) & 'MONK HILARION' (d. 1476), (*) BL. Her purchases included a mansion in the exclusive Abbington estate in Malahide in north Dublin and another mansion with its own lake, indoor swimming pool, snooker room and hot tub in Shropshire in England. Tholophre (Theolophis /Theophilis) (16th century), !? if (IsOver) { mail_str += "&body=Hi {friend(s) name goes here},%0D%0A%0D%0AI've found a very helpful Catholic web site www.AskACatholic.com formerly known as CPATS.ORG%0D%0A%0D%0A"; While this was then attempted by the Archdiocese, I became increasingly perturbed by an apparent absence of enthusiasm on the parts of Mrs Gallagher and her associates. I've met Archbishop Martin, who gave me a private interview in 2014. Asks for monetary support. Red flag: St. Pio also 'claimed' to bring about his own death as a 'sacrifice'. To attribute such talk to Our Lady is an insult., Although her work continues, I must concur with the advice of Archbishop Neary who has warned visitors to Christina's establishments to be "very careful and circumspect in going there., Posted in: --'stigmatic mystic', but problematic. His own prophecies proved false, and his anti-papal movement turned violent, people were butchered. Mike. Listen - fake mystic using fake visions to start an 'end of the world' sex cult - formally charged with underage rape, he is formally excommunicated by the Church. Heretically mixes up the Age of Peace with the New Heaven and the New Earth, also defies logic regarding the nature of time, and the Three Days of Darkness. navL.className = tLHandle; The Tuam Archdiocese does not recommend her or the House of Prayer as credible." 6. Gallagher claims various items which can be bought from the House of Prayer will protect people from harm. in Austin, Texas as well as in other places in the USA. Do the prophecies here support Sedevacantism?