He will die if trolls brought him below 0 health . With better equipment than you had earlier, Tranquil River Bend should be manageable. Bokken will somehow figure that he needs to test the potion on himself and will undergo a surprising transformation. If Tartuk Hastes Hargulka, counter it with Slow (hit them with Slow regardless). You will summon the Water Elementals to help which will keep the creature occupied while Kanerah gets into position to destroy the creature with her fire blasts. Guiding Beacon is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. There is also one group of bandits who help distract the trolls. Hopefully, you can charge them down before he causes you too much trouble. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition , Prologue - The First Step on the Road to Glory, Of Cows and Other Matters of Political Importance, Trickery, Stealth, Knowledge (World), Perception, Use Magic Device, Poison Resistance +2; Discovery: Precise Bomb, Elemental Focus - Water; Infusion - Extended Range; Point-Blank Shot, Shroud of Water; Wild Talent - Kinetic Healer, Elemental Overflow; Infusion - Kinetic Blade; Precise Shot, Metakinesis - Empowered; Infusion - Torrent; Deadly Aim, Mobility, Stealth, Lore (Nature), Perception, Elemental Focus - Fire; Infusion - Burning Infusion; Point-Blank Shot, Metakinesis - Empowered; Infusion - Extended Range; Spell Penetration, Athletics, Mobility, Stealth, Lore (Nature), Perception, Favored Enemy - Giant Humanoids; Point Blank Shot; Precise Shot, Endurance; Favored Terrain - Forest; Weapon Focus (Longbow), Favored Enemy - Magical Beasts; Boon Companion, "We tried picking a lock" (Trickery 25 - Octavia should manage this without too much difficulty), One of us tried to jump onto the cart (Mobility, followed by Lore: Nature), "Precautions were definitely in order" (requires rope), "We talked it over and chose a volunteer", "jump to the other side" (Mobility 15), "Trade Agreement with Mivon" if you persuaded Dalton to trade in your barony, "Research into the Nature of Curses: Tartuk" if you learned of Tartuk's curse, Decent Perception or the Wand of Find Traps. You can go and seek out Jaethal in the inn and speak to her about the quest and find out a bit more about her, including the identity of the 'Nortellara' she mentioned. You will find the dog near where Amiri used to train. Trolls possess incredibly sharp claws and amazing regenerative powers, allowing them to recover from nearly any wound. The group nearest you comprises a Troll Rock Thrower and two Kobold Snipers. This leads to an illustrated book episode. It's hard to swallow, but agree. If you read the quest description, Linzi will mention bringing a few potions of Invisibility. Cross over the Skunk River. Instead, make a Mobility check (DC22) to cross the gap to where you fought the wolves earlier. The next thing you want to do is claim the Outskirts which cause 14 days to pass. They are still hostile to you, however. Afterwards, search the body on the ground for the Dirty Travel Log. They're not hostile, so position your characters strategically and speak to Ivar who will promptly change into a wolf himself. To the south are a group of five Dire Boars. Head to the hut in the northeast of the village. Agree to investigate to initiate Kingdom of the Cleansed. You start off in the north of the area. You will come across a group of peasants near a tree looking for treasure. Initially it takes the form of an illustrated book episode. There are a total of six plants to harvest. Go north up the passage and clear two traps from the floor. When the 14 days have passed, you will likely have some new events demanding your attention, including Troll Sightings. Do not go through the gate, because you're not able to target the Owlbear beyond (a stupid interface issue). You will come across a group of five seriously outclassed bandits (all 3rd level). Vesket will tell you to go and speak to Stishchak in the Spirit Hut. There are three Trollhounds in the first room which serve as a good demonstration of the power of the Devourer of Metal. This is manageable at 5th level, although not terribly rewarding. Another critic of the safety of lands which aren't yet ours. So, shall I release the troll or let Bart continue wioth his experiments? Outside the door to Bartholomew's laboratory is a group comprising a Branded Troll and four Ferocious Trollhounds. Among the Kobolds prioritise the Boomsayer and Sniper. You will find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag in a bag next to a hut. Or you can simply kill them, which is what you'll have to do anyway if you fail the checks. After disposing of them, head down to the end of the path where you will find a dead body with some minor loot. For the time being, don't go out of your way to claim resources, but if you're passing and have the BP, you may as well. The large chest reveals itself to be a Mimic. He'll help you later if you let him live. He is speaking to someone named Amalia, who is an adherent of the cult. There is a mechanism on the floor that you can interact with to cause it to rotate and reveal different symbols. You will have to wait a while for the quest to update. Get out of the village, killing the rest of the lizards, and then leave the location and go back to the capital, where you need to talk with Jenna in the tavern. Climb down (Athletics DC8) and take out the Ferocious Manticore in the courtyard. There is another floor puzzle in this room which you can simply make a note of for the time being. 174. After a couple of rounds, two Dire Venomwolves will emerge from the portal. Continue east around the rock and then up the slope. After some chit-chat, the battle against the Gargoyle-like Treant will start. Try to heal him again and everyone (apart from Harrim, who rejects the blessing) will receive the Good Hope buff. Find Dragn and give him the Onslaught pieces. Return to the bandit room. Ask him to be an advisor. This is worth a visit for a decent bow for Ekun and a new recipe. Cast Delay Poison (Communal) on your party and go south. There are enemies visible to your right: two Trolls and two Trollhounds. Ask how you can help her and she will direct you to a location called the Mud Bowl to find 10 black rattleheads. Just to the north of his house is a crate containing a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag, a Wand of Burning Hands and 799G. However, if he's surrounded by melee attackers (besides your guys and Dog, there are four Lizardfolk Sentinels fighting alongside you), he will provoke attacks of Opportunity and be struck down. Backtrack and make your way east along the northern bank of the river. As you do so, creatures will start pouring out. Continue east to an abandoned hut. Your only lead for the time being is the witch's hut in South Narlmarches which you've doubtless passed several times already. You have various choices for dealing with him. Ask where he might be and she'll point the finger of blame at a witch living in the Narlmarches. We're heading east. Search a nearby container for the Soot-Blackened Gloves (3/5). Enter your settlement in the South Narlmarches (which I assume is called Narlkeep) and start building Dragn's Armor Shop. Return to the throne room and look for someone named "Storyteller" in the bottom left corner of the room. When the first batch of enemies are dead, two Branded Trolls and a Greater Trollhound will emerge from inside the ruins. Amusingly, if you browse his wares, he has Volume 2 in his stock. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Troll Lair Depths Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Barons Business in Tuskdale Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Troll Lair Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Ruined Watchtower Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Baronial Business after the Troll Trouble Walkthrough, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Dwarven Ruins Walkthrough, College Kings Walkthrough & Complete Guide (All Scenes), Plan B: Terraform Planning For City Growth, PUBG Vikendi Map (Bear Cave, Bunkers, Lab Camps), Soul Knight All Gift Codes (March 2023) Free Gems & Items, Star Stable Codes for Star Coins, Star Rider & Clothes (March 2023). Finally, discover an animal path near the northern exit. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). paizo.com - Online Campaigns - Kingmaker Given his evil nature and all the blood in the cellar..the choices are obvious. Yup, I took him and screwed Octavia. If you tell him to free the troll, Valerie will come over all Lawful Stupid. Visit Lone House and talk with Bartholomew Delgado about trolls that can resist fire. If you search around the nearby houses, you will find a couple more loot containers. Follow the dog until you find a man called Ekundayo. Besides a couple of composite bows and a Masterwork longsword, the loot they leave behind is frankly pitiful. Continue round the walls to find another trap (DC26). Be careful when you reach the stairs because there is a trap (DC21) at the bottom. Can only be obtained if visited Bartholomew Delgado during second stage of Troll Invasion. You can speak to him about what's going on in the village for some interesting background info. So Shall You ReapYou need to do the curse research projects to learn the necessary information to unlock the ending. Tristian's Holy Lance ability on your best attacker is quite nice for these since they are evil. Follow it up the slope to the northeast where you will find an injured Ekundayo on the ground. If you have good AC, you should be OK. Head inside where you will find a Tremendous Centipede, four Giant Centipedes and a Spitting Giant Centipede. 3. A locked (DC28) crate to the right of the "scary box" contains a unique scimitar, Slicer. Give them to Melianse and she will offer to be your friend. There are a couple of things to do while you're here. Your email address will not be published. I guess it's finally time to check out Bridge Over the Gudrin River. A short distance past this is another War Wisp encounter. Make your way back round to the schoolroom where you'll find that a chest has appeared in front of the sun and moon statues. Advance towards the rift as you battle these creatures because when you kill the first Greater Giant Spider, a Silky and a Doomspider will emerge from the rift. Meet the wizard in his laboratory Head northeast from your current position and cut your way through four bears. When, Ditael hands the sword over, he will be relieved to be rid of the - literally - cursed thing. She will suggest that you ask the boy's mother instead. Go a short distance left after disarming the first trap and you will find a log with some minor loot. The well is to the left of his house. You can question him further about this troll, Kargadd, and you will learn that its weakness is sunlight. She guesses that he might be near the river. 5. Head immediately north and examine the body by the wall to update your journal. Stinking Cloud will disable out the mass of them. Assign an advisor to it right away and wait one day for it to complete. You may want to rest here if you used up valuable abilities in the Monster Den. Proceed north up the path and pay attention to the sign about traps. Return to your throne room to close out the chapter. On subsequent playthroughs, just blind him and kill him like you would any other troll! Go across to the other side of the village where you'll find two Lizardfolk, Tassath and Shalur, near a vegetable patch, arguing. An adult troll weighs around 1,000 pounds. The Perception choice is probably the easiest to make unless you have a character with very high Intelligence or Charisma. You will earn 375XP for saving his life. If he is ordered to release Dimwit, and you are Neutral you can use a dialogue option to apologize for interfering. You can ask about the child to learn how he's being treated. Continue northeast to the top of the area where you will find a hidden stash with some gems. Later in the game, you will want to increase this reserve. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Wikipedia Have Ekun take out the Boomsayer while your melee attackers go after the trolls. Look for an overturned boat where you will find a Dart +2. After that little exchange, exhaust her conversation options. For Freedom of Movement, most characters should be able to use the Mace that Hargulka dropped. Tell her that you know what happened to the village and you will be able to choose a version of events. If you retrieve the armour pieces through intimidation, you can throw Kergan in jail or let him go. Buff up before approaching the rift in the centre. Leave the town and enter kingdom management. They are, however, susceptible to Stinking Cloud. Search the ground a short distance ahead for some gold, gems and the Chaos Shard dagger. Return to the world map and head southwest from Old Sycamore and enter the Thorn River Bank location. The top sarcophagus contains an Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered Leather (1/16). The Lawful response here is the best. The DC30 Knowledge (Arcana) check gives you a clue for the puzzle in this room. You can get at least 5 Bags of Holding from Bartholomew, page 1 - GOG.com Hit the Doomspider with Glitterdust and its AC will drop to sensible levels. She will now open up - in more ways than one since she will now buy and sell and you probably have plenty of loot to offload. Go to Shaynih'a and tell her what Storyteller said about about her Spear Fragment to conclude her quest. If you succeed at a Knowledge (World) check (DC22), you get the option to tell them that they're on a fool's errand. The round container neat the otther door contains a Taldan Stirrup (1/5) and a Ring of Luck. Head west from the campsite to a moderately tricky encounter vs. a Branded Troll, two Trolls and a Kobold Boomsayer. As always when you spend some time on kingdom management, a bunch of things pop up demanding your attention so return to your Throne Room. Thank you Tristian, I was going to talk to him anyway. He also drops some decent loot. Letting him keep the armour locks you out of Dragn's masterwork for no benefit whatsoever while killing him will cause the quest to fail. I ended picking the chaotic neutral option and told him to kill the troll. Otherwise you can make a Strength or Dexterity check to start a fight at an advantage - either one troll down or the kobold shaman out cold. Return to your capital because you want to make Jubilost your Treasurer, since you've probably had an empty advisor slot up to this point. There is a doorway blocked by an energy field. He has a surprisingly large number of HP. Go in there both to rest and to buy the Onslaught Gauntlets for Dragn. Rather than fight them fairly, you can target them with missile weapons if you go south a short distance. There is a chest to the right of some steps containing a Rusty Dwarven Key along with the Commandant's Journal (First Half). Kill the troll Help Bartholomew Delgado kill Branded Troll (Healing Item). You probably witnessed the "cleansing" he talks about. They will spend the first round buffing themselves so hit them with Stinking Cloud and see why it is so highly rated. After it's dead, Amiri's companion quest will complete. Lots of trolls, typically in packs of four. It's up to you what you do with her, but I might point out that in this sort of game, creating undead doesn't generally increase world happiness. Search the back wall for a locked panel (DC21) containing a Frost Greatsword. Once you get to the other side, look in the undergrowth to the left for the Cloak of the Winter Wolf. Try and make the Diplomacy check because it's worth a substantial 720XP. Rest up and check your calendar and settlements. If you come back later, there will be three Dire Boars here. Tristian will want to talk to you about the cultists that you may have encountered on the road. Nip back to Varrask and give him his tools to recruit him as an artisan. Let the three Trollhounds and Branded Troll come to you before disarming it. Jhod tells you that Remus (the mad guy who told you where Tartuccio was in the first act) has been spreading fear among the people. Clear another trap and continue northwest to find the Bandit Leader and his group. Remember to disengage Defensive Fighting - Valerie will need 20s to hit otherwise. 80. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. When they're dead, you'll have a tricky series of speech checks (DC30). If you're lucky, you can make a DC28 Bluff check for an additional 1500G and 360XP over what you would have received for completing the quest. You will immediately be thrown into combat against 4 Tatzylwyrms, 2 Greater Tatzylwyrms and a Nixie Prankster. You might expect by now that there will be some tough creatures up here and there are: two level 14 Owlbears. Version: 1.1y | Updated: 02/20/2023 FAQ of the Month Winner: October 2021 | Highest Rated Guide. A body a short distance to the west has a Token of the Dryad and some minor loot. The BLT is no more powerful than the creature you fought at the Temple of the Elk ages ago. If you do so and Octavia begins to verbally bait him, you must intervene or fight him. Head north and examine a log by the path. You can't do anything with this for the moment so speak to the man standing on the cliff's edge, Ivar. This is not really a fair fight because Sinnet is much stronger than Valerie can possibly be by this stage. Turn around and head northeast up the path. Head back to the path and go east. If you follow the "your house" line of questioning, you can mention his family. This is the first of new set of relic fragments. Interactions Bartholomew comes across as a perfectly normal person for a wizard, but if the player explores his shed they can find out that he is performing brutal experiments on a captured troll named Dimwit to unlock the secret of regeneration and immortality. The most useful consequence of this is that you get to have a merchant in your throne room, albeit a sadist and a degenerate. This initiates the Troll Trouble quest. Talk to the witch Old Beldame and learn that, apparently, she did not do anything wrong. A new update 2.0.7k is here! Being able to recruit Bartholomew as an advisor later brings two benefits. There is a new curse research project available, Jenna Tannerson. Continue north from Maegar and search the crate for a unique necklace, The Heart of Ira. If you want to, you can buy some Feather Tokens for the Nixie back at the overgrown pool but you can also get some for free later. Head north to find Hargulka's throne. The player can either allow Bartholomew's experiments to continue, or they can order him to release or kill Dimwit. After you've made your decision, you will figure out that Enneo is probably behind this whole charade. Bartholomew's House : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - reddit It's more-or-less immune to fire. Put them on the altar to complete the quest and allow the ghost to finally rest in peace. Be on the lookout for a trap on the ground ahead. So not terribly useful. You will have a choice as to what to do with the press. The quest is completed. Leave through the exit in the Troll Lair Depths when you're ready. Pathfinder: Kingmaker is an isometric role-playing game developed by Cypriot [2] [3] studio Owlcat Games and published by Deep Silver, based on Paizo Publishing 's Pathfinder franchise. Quicksave before trying to skin it - its hide is quite valuable. Head west from here to some low ruins. To unlock a later region upgrade for South Narlmarches, you must select "I'll help you fight the monster". Head to Oleg's Trading Post. Continue south and clear a pair of traps (DC23 and DC21) from outside the double doors leading west. The Nereid projects a Fascination aura that stops anyone attracted to females dead in their tracks. You'll be attacked by another group of wolves: three Dire Wolves, an Alpha Wolf and a Ferocious Worg. You will receive this notification when the curse timer reaches 28 days. Search the box nearby for an Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered Leather (3/16). Back down the steps is the entrance to the keep. Make your way into the Ruined Watchtower itself. If you take the Chaotic Neutral option and send them to a random place on the map, you will meet them again later. Backtrack to the previous room and unlock the door to reveal a balcony. It is possible to recruit Bartholomew without completing certain portions of his quests. Tell that the Scythe Tree has been destroyed for an XP reward. You have business there, so pay it a visit. STR: 10, DEX: 18, CON: 18, INT: 10, WIS: 14, CHA: 10. If you're protected by Remove Fear, that doesn't do anything. You can target them from outside their area using ranged weapons and they can't touch you. There's a key elsewhere on the level but you may be able to pick the DC22 lock anyway. Apart from the DR, he's not that tough. Return to the path and head northwest to the river. Don't blow all your funds shopping with Hassuf, because you want to buy a suit of Mithral Full Plate +1 for Valerie from Verdel, particularly if you're taking her down the combat Sorcerer route. When they're dead, grab a Token of the Dryad from the undergrowth. Don't cross at Ford Across the Skunk River. The Troll 1 continues attacking Anton, but Troll 2 turns his attention to Ekun who is weilding the acid infused greatAxe. At the destination, go forward and look around the big tree on the right. When he burns through a character's fire resistance, top it up. Continue west to the next junction and then turn south towards the house of the mage that Dalton mentioned. If you brought a rope, this should be an easy check. If you examine the walls nearby. Return to your capital and speak to Jenna who is suitably grateful. Speak to him again and he will buy the coins, tokens and dog tags that you've picked up. They shouldn't cause you too much trouble, particularly if you blind them with Glitterdust. While you're immune to electricity, go across to the other side where there's a Mobility (DC20) check to get across a ditch. As it happens, this coincides with where we're going soon. Octavia and / or Regongar will want it for their own purposes. Don't take these straight to Dorsy, however, since there may be a better option. Pick up a Torag's Pendant from the floor and look for a chest on a raised ledge. Upstairs is an easy chest (DC16) containing an Old Diary that you can read. To the left of your fortress, there is a Ford Across the Skunk River location. Continue east and you will find a Spectre wandering around. If you bring him Kagar, the old Lizardman you met outside the village. Here is a secret: On the upper level, you can find two plates with images of the Sun and the Moon. Click on the cart to start an storybook sequence. Sevintan 4 yr. ago I just did this with Strengthen enemies, though it took two tries. If you read his diary you will learn of his experiments on some unfortunate named Dimwit. This is part of a puzzle in the dungeon and you can ignore it for the time being. The scorched fragments will get you the Necklace of Double Crosses and unlock the Tale Of The Days Long Gone trophy. However, similar to claiming the Outskirts, this will cause another 14 days to pass which you don't want to happen right now. Continue east and you will pass Empty Skull Rock to the south. Deal with it and Delgado will point out the mark on the creature's skin. If you want to close off Dorsy's part of the quest, tell him that you gave the coins to Wilber and he will attack. A nervous Linzi suggests that she knows who the culprit might be. The tempting thing to do is kill Sinnet - he really asks for it. Afterwards, unlock the chest using the key you found earlier and you will find a unique breastplate, the Heart of Valor, a Dwarven Helm Shard (6/10) and some gold. Protection from Evil is useful and Blur / Displacement on your front line fighter is essential. When it's defeated, search the various containers for an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 and minor loot. Ignore the door to the north for the moment and disable a trap slightly further along the corridor (DC21). There are two more bas reliefs which are DC19 and DC27 to decipher. Continue west and then north. Take a look at the booty near the boat to learn about the adventure seekers who went here before. If you can make it, the Charisma check is good because it scares off the trolls. Go there to confront the fool. The Guardian will Dimension Door away leaving you to fight her summoned minions. Continue north to the next room and you will find a Kobold Artist painting a fresco. However, you should ignore it for the time being. You will to some rocks which require an Athletics check (DC22) to climb. It has decent defence and 152HP. Besides the teacher, there are three Kobold Blades, an Archer and a Pupil (rogue). To complete it, go to the top of the location and proceed to the hill. Continue west where you'll find a pile of fish. Clearly he's not all there. Ask him what he's doing and ask about the dwarven outpost. The trolls and kobolds are arguing over spoils and one of the kobolds produces the whip that Bartholomew was after. The next time Dragn visits your throne room, he will tell you that the armour he is working on has been stolen and tell you that the thief is by the Thorn River. We'll follow after him later. When they're dead, pick up the one, special Fish from the Silverstep Lake from among all the others lying on the shore. The two bodies in front of the tree only have minor loot. Select the "show the herb" option and you will get an errand to being her three mudleaves, gloomberries and dizzyheads. He tried to curse you! Further along, you will fight an Ancient Will-o'-Wisp and two War Wisps. Continue heading south where you will find a barrel in the corner of the room containing a Torag's Pendant. Since you're on your own, this can be a nasty fight: you're outnumbered and your opponent is kinda hard to hit. They're mostly low level and no threat. There are several more Dizzyheads nearby and in the corner, a trapped (DC22) and locked (DC25) chest containing Gloves of Dueling. That would have come in useful just now! If you don't have any, go to Verdant Chambers with your whole party. It may take a couple of goes, depending on how the RNG gods arrange matters, but you should prevail. Unlock the door to the north but don't charge in because there is a trap (DC20) on the floor. When you get there, make a note of the Overgrown Pool location a short distance to the east. March to Thorn Ford to cross the river. Make your choice and return to Bokken.
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