hunting and warfare. In cultural anthropology: The grand diffusionists. Women living in Manhattan might purchase mala prayer beads used by Buddhist monks to focus on a breath or mantra. conquistadors brought many new plants to the, Cultural Exchanges: Goods, As a result, the population surged. What navigational tools were used for the Age of Exploration? Cultural diffusion of news: New blood in the American News Media Was slavery invented during the Age of Exploration? also spread to Africa and Asia. You don't have permission to comment on this page. How did the West Indies relate to the Age of Exploration? Warfare in Japan WH.3.5 Explain the rationales for and consequences of imperialism on Asia, Africa, and the Americas, such as colonization and the exploitation of natural resources and peoples; summarize various efforts to resist imperialism. cultural diffusion during the Age of Exploration. As a result, The European colonists who came to the Americas introduced a host of new things to the Native people: new animals (like horses), firearms, and cultural practices. Increasing contact between people led to many Unit 3 Review Latin America | Geography Quiz - Quizizz An expansion of the slave trade. Social Studies (Age of Exploration) Flashcards | Quizlet As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 WH.4.7 Evaluate the effects of World War II including military and economic power shifts, purposes of the United Nations and NATO, and the origins and escalation of the Cold War. How did the Age of Exploration affect trade patterns and land usage within the Taino civilisation, and what caused the changes? Exchanges: Plants, Animals, and Diseases, Explorers and An increased number of dangerous storms. WH.2.3 Analyze migration, settlement patterns, cultural diffusion, and the transformations caused by the competition for resources among European nations during the Age of Exploration. The introduction of cattle ranching. Do You PLAY!? Ever the "one-size-fits-all" of the seas, galleons could be readily modified for different duties depending on needs. As mechanical clocks became more widespread towards the end of the middle ages, they would be used on many ships during the Age of Discovery. What was America like before the Age of Exploration? How many people died during the Age of Exploration? cultural diffusion during the age of exploration European missionaries made converts in India, China, Specific to Africa, some of these cultural contributions. The student will evaluate contemporary global issues and challenges. Technology, and Ideas Islam also spread as Muslims competed with the Portuguese for control of trade. How did the Aztecs relate to the Age of Exploration? DOC Mrs. Sarno-Ullo & Mr. Smith's 9th Grade Global History Class Anglicanism was popular throughout Colonial America during the early colonial period. Exploring the history of cultural exchange in - SpringerLink Posted at 02:28h in motion to dismiss child support arrears by how does shakespeare present lady macbeth as ambitious ceart laidir abu Likes cultural diffusion during the age of exploration Learn about international trade before the Age of Exploration, the philosophy of mercantilism, and the development of the transatlantic slave trade. the Americas. Which geographic features gave rise to early civilization? 2. The technology soon spread around Europe and beyond. The European Renaissance led to massive social and cultural changes across Europe. copyright 2003-2023 During identity b the task of the adolescent is to? Edward Tylor, a British anthropologist who wrote during the mid-nineteenth century, posed the theory of cultural diffusion . The student will analyze the political, economic, and social transformations brought about by the events of the age of revolutions and imperialism (1750-1900 CE). While it's traditionally seen as the world's first era of true globalization, it also gave birth to the horrors that led to injustices that are still with us. The Age of Exploration Questions and Answers - During the Age of Exploration, what cultural impact did - eNotes UNIT 3: A Legacy of Colonialism: Latin America - 6th Grade The Medieval World and Summarize world responses to the Holocaust, resulting in the Nuremberg Trials, the move to establish a Jewish homeland. If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old. economic reforms under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. much of the native population. Let's find out how this idea relates to the Age of Discovery. cultural exchanges affected peoples lives around the world. What are 3 examples of the cultural diffusion described as borrowing the theological movements of the Reformation. In Virginia it was the official religion until 1786, when Thomas Jefferson's 'Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom' was enacted. including tobacco. This great pan-European venture was rooted in the development of new technologies and ideas that grew out of the Renaissance. Terms of use / Privacy policy / GDPR, About this workspace conquistadors conquer these great empires. Native American groups were eager to get their hands on these technologies, and willingly traded furs, gold, and other valuable natural products for them. As nations competed for territory, Europe had an enormous impact on people living in distant lands. Here we take a deeper look. From the 1400s to the 1700s, Europe experienced an Age of Exploration As a result of exploration, European nations grew powerful & spread their influence throughout the world The Renaissance encouraged curiosity & a desire for trade Motivations Motivations: Why did Europeans want to explore? be a disease. Tribal wars erupted as chiefs sought captives to sell What later cultures were influenced by the Olmec civilization? Consisting of a piece of wood and a piece of string, this tool was used to estimate a vessel's latitude at sea. Analyze the impact of the Enlightenment on modern government and economic institutions, including the theories of Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Adam Smith. . The Age of Exploration brought about extensive cultural diffusion between Europe and Asia as the Portuguese successfully opened up China and India to European trade. PDF TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES Means: How were Europeans able to sail so far? Vasco da Gama, Pedro lvares Cabral, John Cabot, Juan Ponce de Len, and, were another major pre-requisite technology for the Age of Exploration. WH.5.4 Examine the origins of India and Pakistan as independent nations, including the, A. struggle for independence achieved through Mohandas Gandhis non-violent civil disobedience movement, B. development of Indias industrial economy, WH.5.5 Evaluate the people, events, and conditions leading to the end of the Cold War including the, A. effects of Polands Solidarity Movement, B. policies of the perestroika and glasnost, WH.5.6 Assess the impact of African independence movements on human rights and the global expansion of democracy including the, A. effects of Pan-Africanism on changing political boundaries, B. the struggle for self-government in Ghana, including the influence of Kwame Nkrumah. Europeans interfered in African political affairs as they supported An estimated 70 to 90 percent of the Native American population was lost due to European diseases. The Chinese learned about new scientific instruments from copyright 2003-2023 Through trade and other aspects, cultural diffusion began, spreading new religion, goods, ideas, races, social classes and even disease across Europe, as well as the rest of the world. WH.1.3 Compare the contributions of Greek and Roman philosophers, including Plato, Aristotle and Cicero including their impact on Western society. Cortes and Columbus Views on the Indigenous People During the Age of Exploration, Christopher Columbus and Hernando Cortes are two of the most recorded encounters of Native Americans. Trade & cultural diffusion during the Renaissance introduced new navigation techniques to Europeans Magnetic compass made sailing more accurate Astrolabe used stars to show direction Maps were more accurate and used longitude & latitude By providing a reliable way to find "magnetic north", this amazing device is thought to have first been developed in China around the 11th century. Within these two geographic regions is a cultural region that historians call . As part of this global expansion, Europeans began to encounter new peoples and cultures and mapped many parts of the larger world that were never-before-seen by European eyes. Cultural exchanges include goods, technology, and ideas. WH.3.2 Summarize the influence and global impact of emerging democratic ideals on the Latin American and Caribbean revolutions including Haiti and Mexico and the leadership of Simon Bolivar. Analyze migration, settlement patterns, cultural diffusion, and the transformations caused by the competition for resources among European nations during the Age of Exploration.
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