If you want to make Liz a happy woman, ask about her twin tabby cats, Boaz and Samson. My thoughts keep going back to it thinking about it 24/7. Liz, I choose a word each year to concentrate on for the year. We are believers so our hope is in the Lord but humanly it is still easy to be worried. In fact, my tag line on my catering business cards is Serving Him by Serving You. Now, I actually get embarrassed when given praise, and just give the praise where it is due!!! She is married to Bill Higgs,Ph.D., who serves as Director of Operations for her speaking and writing office. Every time a flower blooms, every time the sun rises, every time a babys cry pierces the air, God is reminding us of His sovereignty, His creative power, His mighty strength. What an uplifting message today. All the time. God's goodness is seen all around us in his creation. Hardback. He loves us even when we dont deserve it and he gives us grace each and every day. Its a win, win! Your privacy is vital to me. I would highly recommend it for a personal study or a group study. THANKS, Jane! There is always something to be thankful for, something to rejoice in. Thank you! The goodness of God is in the unexpected delights of our day; the unseen and unknown protection that he gives us; the gift of answered prayer even if the answer is no or wait a while; the blessing of family and dear, dear friends; and the grace and mercy of His salvation. Thats something I dont deserve and could never earn. His goodness lets us know what He has prepared for us for eternity. It means I get to start over every day. I see His goodness everyday in the little things and am so thankful. I truly believe The Lord led me to it as I needed to hear your testimony and your outpouring of trust and hope in The Lord! "Liz Curtis Higgs is one of the most amazing teachers of God's Word that I have ever experienced. Praise God for his goodness of taking this sinner and filling her full of his goodness to share with others. Sound good? Feature articles about Liz have appeared in more than 250 major newspapers and magazines, as well as on Salon.com,Beliefnet.com, Spirituality.com, HopeforWomenMag.com, Kyria.com, and many other websites. God IS good, all the time. You brought out amazing truth about Ruth. I tend to think that I know what is best and admit that I often let God know how He should do things (hopefully I am not alone in this.) The last verse in the 23rd Psalm says Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. My Dad is finally home and praising His Father and I know I will see my Dad again because of the goodness of God. Her . ), but from heart knowledge (I am trusting you, Lord). Because of His Goodness, He shelters and protects us. So thankful I can look to His goodness when the world fights against it. Lizzie, you know how much I admire you and your ministry and todays blog? He also told me he was starving he was so hungry. I applied for a new, full time position today and was interviewed on the spot. Enfolded in the arms of One who believes in you, supports you, treasures you, and loves you. He loves because He is Love! I thank him for you Liz I met you at women ministries in Lewisporte Newfoundland you were so much fun , but you got your points in for God Loved it , you should come again .anyways you didnt ask us to write a book , but I could because it still would not be able to contain Gods goodness to me !!! He still remains. God is good ALL the time and I am so thankful that He is. I love the flower photos too, Lil! What does Gods goodness mean to me? The verse Psalms 119:11 that talks about I have hidden your word in my heart that I may not have a stray. He is all good, all the time. What a lovely story you told about the young man. All gliry to Him. I struggle with great pain and illness. Many times, most times difficult circumstances get us to the point of finally shouting no matter what GOD IS GOOD. I need to say this to myself every day. I used to say that prayer for dinner. It was my seventh Sunday to visit my friends church, and by then I was singing in the choir. God is good all the time means I can relax. The Goodness of God is Gods favor and love given to each one of us even when we dont deserve it. It is a treasure when I can see through the mucky murky waters to find the diamond of Gods goodness hidden within. Our verse has come full circle, right back to God, whose life-giving energy (MSG) never runs out of steam. We bathed children and then combed and braided the little girls hair. Take a second to share your thoughts below. He really spoke to me about this on a camping trip. He is my Father and I love him. ), but Im glad you heard my heart. I trust Him to take care of me. It is doing something nice for people in secret with the understanding that the result is none of my business. Liz andBill enjoy their old Kentucky home, a nineteenth-century farmhouse in Louisville, andare the proud (and relieved!) She is a gifted author with a deft touch at all the elements of fine storytelling." T. Praise Jesus this is the second time today He has reminded me of His goodness. I just recently re-studied your Bad Girls of the Bible and its just got to be among my most fav! We serve an awesome God. Thank you for sharing your God given talents with so many. Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that God is always good. May God bless you today with strength, peace, hope, health, and smiles! God is good even when my arthritis makes me hurt. But God . I was one of the deceived for far too long! When I started to lose my vision and didnthe know how great the loss would be, Gods goodness helped me to have the faith it would be okay even if I lost it all. All we are, have and do comes through or by him. I remember February 21, 1982, like it was yesterday. Submit Praying He makes His will clear soon! I know that person is still loved by our generous God. He is good because He is Goodness. I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. It is a rich and full life. God gives us so much hope, we cant contain it or control it. We have no goodness of our own; how wonderful it is that our heavenly Father credits us with the goodness of Jesus because we are His children whom He loves beyond measure! Knowing the Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does (Psalm 145:13) makes it possible for us to put our trust in Him. No need to worry about where all your overflow will go. Waiting is hard but God is Good and now soon I will fly like the Eagle. parents of two college grads, Matthew and Lillian. He holds us with His right hand and never lets go. It is my example If we could take our eyes off of self really see others it would spread Gods deeds everywhere. Our staggering debt of sin past, present, and still to come was paid in full when Jesus put Himself "in sin's dark place, in the pit of wrongdoing" (VOICE). Liz is the author of 37 books, with 4.6 million copies in print. What someone might mean for harm (like Satan wanting to harm Gods CHOSEN children), GOD means for good, so that we can bring glory and honor to His name. I thank God he has allowed me to live this long just like gold is purified in the fire, so it is with my ongoing journey finding, appreciating, loving Him. He has our lives in the palm of His hand, so good to be Hope is the very definition of who God is. Out of *nowhere* doors begin opening, people share what they have without a second thought, and not only do bills get paid, but bonus are overflowing at just the right times! Even when we dont see Him in itHe is. Good must come from the word God. But mostly, for me, His goodness is most evident when He takes my mistakes and redeems them for good, my discouragement and gives me hope through His Word. God goodness is knowing Hes been with me in and through a storm in my life for the past seven years of unemployment, watching a spouse go down hill with physical disabilities, and experiencing uncertainty on every side. If you could use a fresh measure of hope right about now, get ready for the best news youll read today. You KNOW I love encouraging my sisters in Christ. Even more special cause its a reminder of a special friend who passed away last August. I just came back from a short term missions trip to Bolivia. Scripturally sound and cutting-edge fresh, these popular titles have helped more than one million women around the world experience Gods grace anew. I was a single woman at the time. His goodness endures forever! If God is good, all the time, then I have no reason to worry, fear or doubt. Held by nail-scarred hands. He rescued me from death! Lord help me to be an instrument of your Love and Goodness! Amen. Just read about your 31 Proverbs book on Ann Voskamps website and you are bang on, if your seratonin levels are low, swallow your pride and swallow the pill, and thank God Hes given us modern medicine when we need it. We have a saying at our church God is Good All The Time, All The Time God Is Good. Not sure Im sweet and very sure Im not famous, but am I your friend and sister in Christ? Liz Curtis Higgs delivers again with "Fine Print," where a businessman and the speech coach he's hired have no idea there are matchmakers at work on their behalf! This was so timely! I try to let His goodness flow from all that I do. Thanks for the reminders today! And I am safe forever in His love. My knees were unsteady as I climbed the few steps to the platform and turned to face the audience. I am learning to see this goodness even in the hardships, which is a new way of thinking for me. His goodness is what I strive others to see in me so that they too may know of His love. So excited to dig into this study. Gods goodness He hears me when I cry to Him! He is always FOR us, not AGAINST us. Romans 15:13. Without fail. Indeed, He is a greatGod, mighty and awesome (Deuteronomy 10:17). Before she took a leap of faith to full-time speaking, Liz spent nearly a decade as apopular radio personality, moving town to town, up and down the dial. He continues to show us the way and hold our hand as we walk those difficult paths. Liz Curtis Higgs October 12, 2017 at 4:38 am # He is good all the time, he knows there are 4 very young children without a daddy. it must have been a blessing to witness this exchange. Trusting God is always the right thing to do, Trisha. See you at Spencer Christian Church. :>) God bless, Susan! A week later God said to me You are Healed. I AM guilty of not believing it during the tough times. If I had let the enemy have his way, I would be a nervous, fearful wreak, but God (dont you just love that phase but God? Praise His name! It means that because of that I can relate,sympathize and encourage others who have and or going through similar circumstances. Everyday I experience this truth and reality, daily feeling His Presence. Leaning over my pit of despair and extending a hand of friendship was a husband-and-wife radio team whod just arrived in town to do the morning show at my station. Even though we believe them, we tend to rush through the words God is great. Whether this is taking someone a meal, a card of encouragement, hug, prayers, or even our time people are visibly seeing Jesus servants in action & the beauty of the good news. Hardback. Despite my parents best efforts to raise a wholesome, small-town girl, I veered off track in my teens and started hanging out with a faster crowd. As 1 Corinthians 13:13 states Faith, Hope, and Love and the greatest of these is Love. Your Bible Study (especially the videos) and the faithful women in the group made me laugh, until I cried! Its good to be His Princess. God is good all the time, unlike me, the sinner, who is washed by his goodness daily, sometimes hundreds of times throughout the day when I dont deserve it. Here youll find my favorite photos, snippets from my books, interesting bits of Scottish history, tips for travelers, recommended Scottish books and music, and my wee blog. Its a crazy world where we need to be encouraged by Gods words & spirit. Dear Lizzie God has been so good to me. Praise be to God! God demonstrates His goodness thru His faithfulness to us. God IS so good I look forward to the day when I no longer have to constantly remind myself of that in hard times the remembrance that the goodness of God comes in many forms, including hard to understand ones. He loves His world that He divinely created even when it turns its back on Him and He is grievedyet stillGod is good. Well, well, well A yellow rose (long story but heavenly). HI!!! By: Liz Curtis Higgs. We just need spiritual eyes to see them. I know that no matter if I stray away for awhile, and come back, head bowed in shame, that He is there to lift up my chin, forgive me and welcome me back into his arms.