I believe her place was either attached to or behind her ice cream parlor, I have read different versions of that. Tom Kollenborn, a cowboy, prospector, author, scholar and Renaissance man whose encyclopedic knowledge of the Superstition Mountains made him one of the world's foremost experts on the . Rumor has it that he killed like 30 people. He took a month off to go search for the treasure.. But all in all, it is still an intriguing myth/legend. "It's hard to put a value to it, but he said most of the gold was the richest ore source he'd ever seen. 1. It's considered to be the most famous "lost mine" in the U.S. and yet, it's never been found. After five years of research and four expeditions, Arcana Exploration has not only found the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, but has been able to match the most accepted clues with the physical evidence on the ground. If you climb some distance above my mine you can see to the south a sharp peak (Weavers Needle). It is in a place that is hard to find. Tuttle added that Waltz took what he could, covered everything up and returned to Phoenix. Wouldnt that be facing Southwest? Not All Clues are about what Jacob Waltz said. 8. Yes! You cannot see the tank from the mine. True! Will I regret the day I can't get back in there? Coroners used DNA extracted from bone marrow to make a match with DNA provided by his parents. Tuttle's been on a 40-year quest pursuing this potentially large "pot" of gold at the end of a rainbow. It was never Peraltas Mining the North Trending Canyon, it has been Jesuit Priests and there is way more Jesuit Treasure than just a few Holy Artifacts. So if you have found it share something with me without giving away the location. As we reach these adjacent plateaued spaces we continue to search for additional onsite entities that are of interest. But beware: These maps can be treacherous. . To me it just sounds to good to be true. This makes sense, but there is also a time line here. The mine has never been found. 1. Your email address will not be published. Lost Dutchman Treasure Hunter Wayne Tuttle was followed - YouTube The very reason I havent said anything is because of what it would do to the Superstition Mountains themselves. "..Jack Sanfelice's Lost Duchman story among the most read stories of 2014 of East Valley Independent Newspaper " Read more All rights reserved. I have been reading up and watching everyones YouTube videos. His parents recognized the teeth they had paid dentists to repair, but they couldn't find their son's dentist. I'll be at peace with it when I get to that point. Even though we were on site, it took us until our third trip to locate the entrance. And you are incorrect that if anyone found the mine they would be quietly be getting rich, it is not that simple. At age 66, he went to the Superstitions alone, over the objections of his son and family. Alot of people have been finding all these mines and no one has found any large high grade ore deposits so why would his mine be any different. They won almost every match on Sunday. Here is the thing Mike I have seen everything found and presented before, compared to what we have( and we are not done) and it not close. If anybody ever did find the mine they would be quietly getting rich and wouldnt ever dream of stringing honest people along like this. After the finale of their first season, they never returned for a second season. Bryan. "It goes back to Jacob Waltz, an immigrant who settled in Arizona during the Gold Rush days of the 1800s, becoming one of the first residents of the township called Phoenix," Tuttle, a supervisor for a Phoenix electrical utility company, told The Huffington Post. Our Trek watches will not measure as the crow flies. Legend of the Superstition Mountains - The HISTORY Channel 2. A Murky Origin Story "I've been in areas where it's said there would be no possible sign of gold. For more than a century, adventurous souls have sought the Lost Dutchman Mine, and since 1891, more than a hundred people have claimed to find it. Jesse Capen's hunt for the elusive mine became a deadly obsession. (Courtesy: Robert Cooper), On Saturday, years after Capens Jeep, wallet, backpack and cellphone were found in his tent by hikers, volunteers from the Superstition Search and Rescue finally located what they believe is Capens body. Every time I'm in specific areas, I wonder if I've walked over that spot.". From the mine you can see four peaks, but it looks like one peak. Wake up to the day's most important news. The hearings were presided over by Judge Robert L. Myers of the Supreme Court of Maricopa County and occupied 90 days and some 800,000 words of testimony. I have ran a few buckets of material to confirm if there is a parent gold source up a particular canyon I have explored. Located east of Phoenix, the Superstition Mountains stretch across 160,000 acres of desert, and somewhere in these almost supernatural-looking canyons is a reported gold mine worth several hundred millions of dollars. (Courtesy: Robert Cooper). Do I think we have the LDM,,I do. The Priest carved into the canyon floor in full robes holding a cross in front of a mine entrance, the only other one like it was said to be pointing the way to the Guadeloupe Mines but was destroyed by the Priests themselves. But when his son, who worked in Mexico, found a map that might lead to an Arizona gold mine, Ruth couldn't resist. So safe travels on your next trip First, I will list them, and then I will show some images from our site. YES! That may be because he didnt have one. She speculates that he slipped off a ledge and tumbled to his death. One man found it in the Four Peaks and extracted several thousand dollars of ore back when gold was $20 an ounce. The Lost Dutchman story actually begins in the 1800s when the wealthy, Mexican Peralta family came to the region to work mines under a Spanish land grant. And, there are some chisel marks. Waltz said that from up above my mine you cannot climb straight down, that you have to go a little way along the top of the mountain, then climb down and then backtrack toward the mine and climb back up to get back to the mine. "Waltz said it was a vein of gold surrounded by hematite in quartz," according to Tuttle. did wayne tuttle find the lost dutchman mine Relax and chill, you may find out you could actually be entertained. Our guys have been training this summer with skilled climbers, two of which will accompany us on our next trip. True! Legend of the Superstition Mountains (TV Series 2015- ) - IMDb On History channel's series "Legend of the Superstition Mountains," a team of adventurers led by hunter Wayne Tuttle (pictured above) is following clues, including those on a mysterious map, hoping they'll hit pay dirt of what's considered America's most famous and deadliest buried treasure. Cari Gerchick, communications director for Arizonas Maricopa County, told FoxNews.com that the body is currently classified as unidentified. For now, we will share some meaningful images, but for security reasons we cannot show everything that we have. Starring: Wayne Tuttle, Frank Augustine, Woody Wampler, Eric . All of these elements can be found in the search for the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, reportedly well hidden in Arizona's mysterious-looking (and aptly named) Superstition Mountains (pictured above). Ive also seen the other maps he made forgeries of such as the Julia Thomas map and the profile map. Yes! New clues could reveal the location of the Lost Dutchman Mine; Wayne Tuttle is on the hunt for a deadly treasure in the Superstition Mountains. Waltz said there is trick to his trail and no miner will ever find his mine. The entrance is marked by an Elephant Head. Thanks Jeff. The Curse on the Canyon is real but wasnt made by Jacob Waltz. Ive only been following it over the last few years and I truly hope you have found the exact mine that Waltz was talking about. But I might to Clay Worst if I were to ever have the chance. You can see it from the cave, along with the mine. Jesse Capen, 35, had made finding the hidden treasure an obsession fueled by more than 100 books and maps on the legendary and perhaps nonexistent mine named for German immigrant Jacob "The Dutchman" Waltz. And i have proof from google maps, I have closely researched this story for many years. Watch Legend of the Superstition Mountains Season 1 Episode 1 - MSN He estimates the mine could be worth over 200 million dollars in today's money. Yes! My oh my! He was just too excited about the possibility of a quick discovery. If there was no stone house then, dammit it, it had to be but if I couldnt find. But still, to this day, if nobody is able to go and I'm ready, I have a tendency to go to the mountains on my own.". Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of America's deadliest treasure. S1, Ep2. "The big prize, I think, for everybody, would still be -- even not finding the mine -- there is a stash of gold somewhere buried in a little pit in the ground near Waltz's camp, and who knows what that could be worth -- two, three million dollars just sitting there under our feet. The fact you have this site is proof to me that you are simply mining for book sales. (Actually, I believe he most likely said we stayed in a cave that looked down on the mine.) Other reports say that Kidd was in poor health when he paid someone to go out with him to his claim in the Superstition Mountains and leave him there to perish. The author wrote that he believed the mine was realBUT! In June 1931, just a day into his first attempt to find the legendary Lost Dutchman Mine, the amateur prospector vanished without a trace. And in some ways, it is. See more in Season 1, Episode 1, "Secrets of the Lost Map." The Lost Dutchman Mine - True West Magazine "He is greatly missed by his fellow associates at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel," he said. Legend of the Superstition Mountains | Apple TV Fairly generic directions, but he gave them nonetheless. Thanks Mike you have been at it a long time, I read your post on Treasure Net you know your stuff, and have been out where the rubber meets the road, you are a true Dutch Hunter and I have always respected your input on TN, Thank you for responding here. This is not a substantiated story but it's been told many times. Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of Ame Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of America's deadliest treasure. Between 1959 and 1991 a full-scale feud broke out at Weaver's Needle between Ed Piper and Celeste Marie Jones. I have been studying the LDM since I graduated from High School in 1982. 14. We just need to see the raw ore to be real believers , I started hunting in the Sups back in the late 1970s with some of the locals!! Id love to go on an expedition to search around and try to solve the mystery and take in the beauty of this creation. Watch on The reported mine was dubbed Lost Dutchman around 1892 after Waltz died. As these legends go, the path to finding hidden riches generally depends on deciphering information contained in mysterious treasure maps. I have come to the conclusion that, that telling our story and informing the Park-service just before the book does come out, so they can protect it for a lot of reasons, makes the best sense. Waltz, who died without revealing the mines location, reportedly shot people who followed him as he returned to it for more gold. based on rumour and hearsay upon hearsay. What they discover may have finally put Wayne on the right path Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of America's deadliest treasure. Hopefully we have a mild winter. I am not sure what legally disabled in your case means, but because of the earthquake, you need repelling gear to get up to the site, plus it takes more than one person, to get that done. Watch this video of the Dutch hunters following clues in the Peralta map: The reported mine was dubbed Lost Dutchman around 1892 after Waltz died. This again is correct, but you have to see the place to understand what he meant. What I would like to do now is share some of the clues that are present at our landsite; this has never been done. Until now, that is. Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona . Eventually a decision of October 20, 1967, awarded the Kidd funds to the Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona. Forget anything pertaining to Peraltas, because thats part of the ongoing lie. The reported mine was dubbed Lost Dutchman around 1892 after Waltz died. Tragicomically, she and her team passed over two enormous gold mines on their search for the Lost Dutchman Mine, which they didn't find. Its my understanding that the LDM was located a few years back, or I should say rediscovered. Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of. Unable to proceed because of a broken leg, he probably died of starvation near the spot where the bottle was set on its journey.". It was known by several prospectors along Pinto Creek, in the early days, Beach and Kidd prospected the eastern end of the Superstition Wilderness Area. Actually, it is probably about 80 to 100 yards. The Perfill Map was made at the most Southern end of the canyon, and items were added in to show the locations of things inside the Canyon, There are 2 Sombrero Mountains but it was difficult to draw what was being thought of then. [The lost mine] is the reason why he went there. Whether it be boulders, bandits, cliffs, the weather, or a curse, no gold is worth the risk. Capens father declined to comment, and his mother, Cynthia Burnett, could not be reached. But the icing on the cake will be what we document on the fall trip and absolutely must be in the book. Tuttle says it's very difficult to decipher clues and maps and early accounts claiming to know where the fabled mine is. His name appears on several California census records.