That's weird, right? Sleep tight, James. No one's right. You make a lot of money. I don't know what we're trying to wash our hands of him. Oh, my God. He said that because at first he wasn't really implicating her. If you talk to my wife, that would be a gift. We'll go together and she said and then Dan said back to her, No, no, you stay here, you and Michelle practice. Marijan Jack. Black shit. They got no nothing. By frying him. Yeah, I would like you, Donna. Yeah. A very nice town to settle down and retire. Yeah. Imex. What the hell is happening? Good God, this is horrible. He's sick. Yeah. Yeah. I get lawsuits this year. And Robert Daniel Arnold Junior is buried in the Springvale Cemetery in Clinton, North Carolina. In 1984, Jim and Judith Daniels moved to small town eastern North Carolina as they began their new life. Oh, my God. Yeah, that's true. Just pretty goddamn quick. He did go find we don't know. I'm stabbing away and he's got in the throat. They've been friends since they were teenagers. My God. Probably. It looks concrete. Then they bring a criminal into the house. Trusted News Discovery Since 2008. Nope. No. But under later on, though, another neighbor said that she also often becomes Donna, often becomes withdrawn under stressful circumstances. And if you don't like this week, then you're probably not going to like the shot because it's a it's a good shot. Dan has that list of drug dealers. She said it would only damage her friends and her family or friends in her church. Oh, boy, and Clinton, so we can help you out, is the wife, does she know? Bad, real bad. Was the theme of this, you know, probably is sloppy, hasty events and things to do here. Why would Gerald Junior's heart need to be strong? It's as we'll see, it's very much fluid here. If you were in. I only have 5000 overdoses. They don't arrest anybody. Yeah. That he was, he's like, well I have a wife and kids but I'm also gay. But you know what? So the Emmanuel Baptist Church, he's the minister of music fucking rock and just want to be like outflux because, yeah, of course, I have to let Mr. Amusia hang out and everything. Doesn't sound wonderful. I just pictured of all fucking coming in with his hair all along, like face paint, like a Juggalo. Is he the guy you want to let out. I think I've already bent over backwards. This is what then gets into he's he's serious about this. So they bring the letters in. How are they going to kill Dan. He was he said that, you know, taht cut his throat. Also, you know, he needs somewhere to stay during his legal battle. Deputy Atty. Amber Kelly. Thats according to police in Clinton, who say That way. They're not like people with. And like Missouri and New Jersey, Florida, it is hilarious. But after target practice and tatz guard, I can't. You do this. While you're undoing your seatbelt, come to a complete stop that you took a second. Hot shit, right. She was screaming and wanted to get out of the car, but she wouldn't let her do it at that point. And Michelle Honeycut is kind of sticking by Donetta, you know, she being a French, helping her out, helping out with the kids, thank God for her at this point. Yeah. They told him never to return and that was that. Yeah, that's right. I guess so. Well, everybody. Yeah. She decided she still loved him and that the relationship and more importantly, the family, the children, everything was worth saving. Yeah, that's no good. So Dan eventually starts talking about maybe you can move in to our family home. Simple and you can turn them off because they're one syllable syllable word. Yeah, she could control him. And until next week, everybody, it's been our pleasure. So he's got a list of drug dealers at the house. Laughs This is this is nineteen ninety eight. Yeah. Yeah. And he said, and what you, Donna, to allow Stoffel to impregnate you? I'm going to I'm going to run this thing, you know, dominate this business because I'm going to get myself in there. I mean, what do you think lady. Anna Zrich. This all thing that can happen, right? Is that and then small town murder. That is a party school. I don't understand what's going on. She's depressed. There are many friendly and helpful people in the town and it has a great atmosphere. Yes, it's grim. Look at us. So this is in Sampson County and area code nine one zero seven square miles. Jesus Jesus Christ. If you're listening for the first time, you go. But then it sounds like it's contemptuous when. But he ran into traffic at some point. Andrew Fuchs. Carrie but Larry Butterface, it's his birthday party where they just said that Robert suck Sue catch Janice Hill, Stephanie Groesbeck, Kendall Passmore, Amanda Knight, Elizabeth and Collins, Monica Hernandez, Chilian Holsten, John Henry, Brandy Toome, Travis Marshall Holiday. I'm Jimmy Weisman. The prosecution could enforce their agreement with him, but that's none of your fucking business. No last name. Yeah. Yeah. And the plot is because they change names and stuff based on true events. She is a victim of a surprise, attacked her with gay, a quote, a victim of a, quote, evil and dark world boy who allowed herself to be manipulated by a homicidal and homosexual maniac. You can go to PayPal, use our email address, which is crime and sports at Gmail dot com. Maybe you can come stay at my house and have this sort of thing. No one's got no hair on the sides. We need to quell this. So July 18th, nineteen eighty four the next day is coming to a head this great. If you're going to come see us in the theater thinking about it, this is the next best thing. Those go together. It's pretty fucked up. Four thousand six hundred sixty five square feet. That's what you don't do. Tell you what, OK, because I'm picturing this is how he had to have stumbled into this. So Michelle Honeycut is there as well. Pick a jury. Supreme Court of North Carolina. And that was the day after, like we said, and she said, quote, Donna told him that we have to be strong and pray. The defense opening here. Yeah. I mean, I don't know if he would want to. Get your tickets. Yeah, yeah. I don't know what's going on on the farm. So you can do all that. Wow. And so the doctor prescribed him some mild tranquilizer and told him to shut the fuck out. Derek Young Debbie Stacy Tanner with no last name gayly. Tell you what. Gerald Junior's Hart Junior's you. So why don't you try it at least at least try it a few times. So that evening Scuffle says that he and Gerald Junius tart's lay in wait in the woods near the church until then popped up. But who was killed? You're struggling now. So high in July, but then violent crime, murder, rape, robbery and of course, assault. Twenty five years. The other was like, OK. And then I think it went like that. She was another one. This hospital staff sergeant allowed to leave this weekend. Oh, it's all church. You may want to calm down. Perfect. You're going to get in trouble. Jessica Mazari. She's a friend of theirs. My friend got blood all over my shirt because I was in the of that shot. Got it. So that's sad. But this is going to be perfect. That's a business that maybe you want to be in. Would you do that, please? But he also put himself in for stabbing him in the chest. This is Marjorie. That's shut down. We can get him to play it. What are they doing over there? Jim Quick retired. There are many stairs which are not enough. And then he paused and these to the psychologist that he looked at him and grinned and said, ah, I could kill him. That's believable. Plus a few here, eight thousand six hundred thirty people here tiny and it's a small town, men and female population way more than the men here. I guess it's good. You stole all of it publicly. It's a nice you don't even go to them. Everyone in the car started screaming and crying. Mazari Masari. Really. So that's a boring day for a kid. I hope he's Matt Barzun. Yeah. You're right. What he was telling people that they were engaging in sexual intercourse about every other day in the next few weeks. Wow. I figured waffling on the stuff kind of hot. She said, someone's on the ground. Yeah, I believe he went I'll give a fuck anymore. Honeycut here said, quote, I told them just to quit screaming and pray. Call them. Do that right now. He said that and he did that. And it was born and all gathered around one prayer that this boy, one bible on prayer, one by one prayer, no queers that I want that one prayer, no queers announced the Minister of Music. Like by the end of the first day, they have no jurors, really. So anyway. Clinton Police officials called the fatal shooting of Fulton Junior Oates, 31, a targeted act of violence and not random. I got a solid Sylvia I got to look at now. If you were, you know, somewhere so that that man on how he got he probably professed to him. Prison record as long as his arm or he's only twenty two but it's all breaking and entering burglary. That's not even close to over like seven years old. The actress in it, Carrie Moscow, was appeared in the show One Tree Hill. That's Gerald Junior. Also, he's been real down lately, you know, with the president and the drugs in the haircutting and the cheap Raleigh Hotel sex, he's been down. It's not good. I loved that. Oppression and incarceration could have an effect on her competence to stand trial later and on her ability to assist in her own defense if she were freed on bond, however, she would not put herself in danger or represent a danger to others. Even weirder if is like not really on board with the banging of the wife. Say Sherry Moland, Valerie Albar, Ashley Bowdon. Not me, not James. I've never heard of a town ever just given up. That lady is arrested for the murder of her husband, that lady. I think about something that's, you know, let's be realistic within grasp. Gen. by John H. Watters, Sp. You'll hear a lot of senators about this. We go out of our way to try not to make fun of the victim or the victim's family because we're assholes, but we're not scumbags. And I can't speak like a seventeen hundreds man from the West. Look at this. But this guy was nuts in the tobacco league. And like this conversation has happened beforehand, how creepy and weird and uncomfortable will that be? But let's get the thing that actually works done first and then you can pray and maybe that'll work, too. And then get back in. Let's do it. Also listen to P.S. And then he went and sat under a tree and the cops just took him. Oh no. They say after eight hours, get a doctor. He's into this shit that's not his, he likes drugs and he likes living a basic scumbag lifestyle is what he's doing. One hundred being regular power average here at seventy eight. Yeah. I shit too much. We asked for help. And that's if I feel like that's what this is, I can't leave. Jesus. Stuff Helsing's. No, this is or or subsequently it would be like the Bronx Tale when they have the bikers in there and they ask them to leave and they won't leave and they break up the bar. And then he's going to church too where the talented live God and live you and what people know. Yeah. Well, it's a little more than that, I think, by the way, two and a half years go by a boy. I'll go with you. It's a weird looking house. And how far inland is this. The lawyer filed a motion to allow the defense to show the jury transcripts of Stoffels plea agreement, as well as copies of other statements, blah, blah, blah. Oh, boy. It's different. But the right Dehnart. Yeah not not great. That's what he said while making up for the two knives, just to be hard for one person to beat, stab, cut throat with two knives. That's pretty. Clinton County James Goff has been sentenced to death for the Sept. 15, 1994 murder of 88-year-old Myrtle Rutledge at her house in Wilmington. So they're plotting to kill him, by the way, Dan, as a plot to oh, oh, Dan as a plot to by July 17th, Dan is also plotting to kill Stoffel. So I have been banging dudes the entire time we've been married, entire time we've known each other. So the letter of but the letter says quote, that's what one person says with the letter so says. Oh, say it ain't so bad at the Alive after five summer concert series, please come back. The chicken nuggets just came out a couple of years ago and I'm pretty good. Big goddamn house. Which is ridiculous. Tricia Hammarstedt. You know, it goes it's now I can't I don't make the fucking rules. Clinton Square is a place on the fair that's in Clinton Square Squares. Yeah, yeah. He didn't seem surprised to me. A $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading up to the arrest and conviction of those involved in the murder of a 31-year-old Clinton man found dead on Feb. 8. I'll ask O stands for him to get him. And local talent. I guess if you're going to go along with it, you're friends with them, that's fine. And that's just even in the letters. The farmland draws people in. It's either hard line, nothing. Plus ten years for conspiracy. Pastor Dan, that's amazing. He told me the things that Jesus will do to us and it's the scariest of anybody else is he knows everything up to and including the threat. There's a bunch of Donna's friends come forward here, talk a little bit. Five baths. Right? This is what other people say. I mean, I always tell the truth, which is the standard. So while they were at the hospital, apparently Dan and Donna had told Stoffel that they were in love and wanted to be together, but then they had, you know, that kept going back and forth. Later on, Arnold was stabbed and was stabbed and slashed with knives there. Now here's a quote quote We're more than elated. He says I'm not going to answer questions. And she said, real gentle, like, no, he's just not that kind of person. It's bleak. I never was a church person. He agreed to kill Dan only because he loved Donna as what he said. So they're doing great. Walking through the woods, having to make a path is a different story. So. I'm doing that. Since then, he said Donna told them that she was sorry, that they found out about the affairs and all the all that stuff and it was not necessary for anyone else to know. Year over year crime in Clinton has increased by 98%. Gross wants to see this. Yeah. Yeah. It's never like it's never just a little bit of degenerate behavior. So I get what's happening here. Chris would no last name. So what do you want me to say. Truly this week we. What how about you do it? He's already gone. So they move in, he moves and stuff moves in with the Arnolds here. Tina Mae Rook, age 35, was stabbed by an unknown person while in the gravel parking lot of Axiom America, located on Thompson Street on October 13, 2012. It was like a crazy thing, like hide out for like two years to not be murdered. Listen to Anthony Grundy, this week's episode. Oh, I missed it. This would be a million and a half easy for anywhere. Yeah. You know what? I mean, I whack it a lot. Nothing no more. I mean, he's a criminal. That's what it sounded like to him. So there's this guy who has an extensive criminal record and who's having a drug problem currently and a legal problem currently and for theft of fucking firearms. I said, Donna, do you think Karl could have done this? Yeah. Yeah. Anywhere. Yeah, well, what was I thinking? So I'll go tell him it's cool. But this one you go that sounds like the most likely story. No. Yeah, everybody needs their cut. They talk to people. That's incredible. Clearly, I was all horned up. But the judge says that part of the plea agreement called for him to provide truthful testimony in the case. I don't know if I bet, but I think I'd love to ask him to make some fucking parodies of his own music. It's really given another. And he said that stuff had mentioned money could be left in Mrs. Arnold's pocketbook for Taat to take after the killing. His story. This isn't crime and sports, I realize that. That's what he told me. Maybe it's you. He didn't get them. I mean, I don't know. These I have to watch plenty of twilight. Amanda Oak's. Everybody, it's time to rock. Might be a bad. The first time he heard for sure about Dan's death was on the six o'clock news the following day. Sorry, Donna. It looked completely nondescript. Just hacked up throat, got beaten badly and bright next to him, lying right next to him, pocketbook is what he's got. He tells me he has had problems with drugs and he's had problems legally also about it. No drink and a cup of water. The people were friendly. The really weird thing about this is, if that's not weird enough to find the minister of music dead in the yard of the church is once they do the autopsy and everything, they find out that he was repeatedly stabbed with two different knives, which is two handed. But Taat stated he says, no, no, no, no, no. She said, quote, She was just kind of standing there, kind of staring. I don't know. Pretty awful things. Yeah. She said she thought the child was teasing. Next word Mongo. Brian Riley Tracy. Tim Holcim. How hot she is. WebMan shot, killed in Clinton neighborhood Saturday morning: police. Just just don't do it. At her trial. He goes, don't do that. It does. Let's do this. Is it like wires w e y e are y and some by somebody like somebody's name wire had a cave. Brian Hood. So but, you know, I think there was a vibe of some whatever. But more importantly, tickets to the virtual live show. So she's paroled April 30th. It's the worst cop show on television. One News Page. Nineteen eighty four. WebSTATE of North Carolina v. Clinton Ray ROSE aka Wayne Raymond Grice. And it's just sometimes some murders, a lot of variety, Patreon, dotcom slash crime and sports. Hey, he's going to have this guy move in, which was a big deal. But I mean out with an acre and a half around, it's not bad. So, Bill, do Brick Houses the therapist here, he said that the sexual thing was obviously very weird. Yeah it is. Yeah. It's just a small town and then eleven point two percent Hispanic. Why was that so so far? It's a comedy show about murder. I'm going to play you some Sylvia. Yeah, I returned to my car and waited for him. I mean, we work in this coal cave, so we may as well just stay. Everything else is a little bit higher actually. They said to pussy pop on a handstand. He's terrified. Sounds like royalty. For nerves. Was it I guess he thought the problem or he was just done is done, done that. Watch it. So this will keep him close to the church, which if he goes to church every day, he doesn't have time to do drugs. Yeah. And then the chocolate. But it sounds like person, it doesn't matter. Yeah, Jacob Foster. OK, Dan had had a vasectomy. Bandler non drowsy, chesty coughs helps clear your chest and provide deep penetrating relief. Is that going to be you murdering my payer transmission? Unbelievable is a crazy story. Under the surface of community & church, were secrets that nobody wanted to have come out in the open. So he wants to be with your wife. North Carolina's just says justice systems on board doing the same. I can point him out. Dan goes to his doctor for help with his nerves. These drug dealers, I don't know if they're backed up. Will you do me a favor? That's why I can't do it, you know. He testified earlier at his own thing that the relationship was voluntary and lasted several weeks and that he loved Donna very deeply at the time. He was so upset that she finally agreed just to calm him down. And he's like, would you knock her up? That's we wanted and her concern is you want that around her daughter, not that guy around our daughters. All about fast food place every year, every town people are very concerned about fast food places are, I guess you expect a small town to not have fast food. You have your kids and you wear dresses down your ankles. And at the end of April here, as this goes on, they decide that he should move into their house basically after Easter comes and goes. I think it's enough for me for now. She's allowed. Dan, it's Dan. You don't know what you're doing anyway. Right. So the police talk to Donna here. Jamie Goldberg, Keenan Keenan einen Hlna Hyaena. OK, so the minister of minister of Rock here is his brother, and I guess he thinks he can get weed by. How bad could it be then? After killing his family, Lawson walked into the nearby woods It's so. We just wish you would have gone and been gay, lived his life or been bi or whatever his life was living and not be embarrassed by it. Good. During this, he invoked the Fifth Amendment. I bad catatonic here. Who interviews the priest now? This is interesting. I mean, he's right fucking there. There are very few upper management positions. Yeah. So stuff Elastica trying to get weed. A lot of house. It's never going to stop the had it never stopped growing, it just keep coming Jarvis again. I play it. So he's born in 1951, he marries a woman named Donna Jones and she becomes Donna Arnold and she's a year younger than him. Three times. Now, let's go have a nice cleanse ourselves in the waters of the of so bad in the Atlantic. I'll tell everybody you have the Minister of music. Sorry, I see a fucking speed chase video. Danielle Webb. I can't believe it's not somebody that. It's I'm going to fry everything. I wanted to drink that shit so bad I don't know why but of whatever color that Barbasol is is a delicious looking color to make that Listerine blue. Then when they got back, they went and visited him. I know a lot of people here hear me change your life. So they do they they talk and he tells them that the problems with drugs, you know, my whole life and tells him that. Oh this is what she said. They said that Donna was who used a tissue to wipe her eyes and nose. Dan, you know, that was obviously a consideration. Right, for testimony. The thing you pull up and it's got a screen combs and yeah. Eyes off him at some point. It's allegedly in our opinion, I don't believe for fuck. Now I know you're all one star here. Where did I go? Oh that's a D. That's Doughton Kalyvas. Put it over the top. Great trade. Keep an eye on me and gelatinous vagina. A new I mean thing they've been got just got a new GameStop store in town. It's a diverse little town here, forty two point four percent white, which is well under the average, forty point eight percent black, which is well above the average, one point one percent Asian. Now he's a barber and when they meet him his name is Carl Edwards. So please don't do that. They should be called Barber as a blue shirt when I was a kid because my grandfather was a barber. So she appeals this or she does based on the court. I'm going to go UNEAC. That's two people. Oh my God. Yeah. The sheriff's deputy who drove Stoffel and the Arnolds to the hospital to drop him off said that Donna Arnold was the only one who could control stuff. That's my life. But if you want to be a patriot and supporter, you get lots of stuff for that. On iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasting. The whole town. Whether Holte Horton. So conservative. Good Lord. Now, Donna, she's been asked I mean, I don't know which is a crazy reason. Yeah, there's strategy involved in this. Back to say it ain't so fair. WebCLINTON, N.C. (WNCN) The Sampson County district attorney has ruled that the fatal shooting of an armed man in a Clinton Burger King parking lot by eight law enforcement It's not a buggy on the beach. It's going to be hilarious. What do you want there, huh? Yeah. At this point, this is the perfect excuse to get him out of here. Melissa Perrin McCord Brickell Key Sardy, Christy Rainer, Katy Clark, Lila Cummings, Skylar Adam Mansky, Adam Adam Saeki, Adamski Adamski. I mean, you could have nothing. Oh Gaga. She just mentioned her daughters and things like that. I don't have Eric Burt. He's he said that he first learned his son had homosexual tendencies a few weeks after the murder. Donna said that stuff well when asked about things now when they talk to Donna here in nineteen eighty seven and all over the years she said that she began that stuff, began making advances toward her after her husband revealed that he was a homosexual to her that was her words, not mine. Your average two bedroom rental here goes for about six hundred seventy nine dollars a month. They said they were determined to keep. Not Know Ted and Nattered and Josh Nowak, Nosik and Novak. These are people trying to start out to get out of here. I think it's on there. Nicole Hodgson. So he chose the Julius Get me an Orange Julius. So he apparently they had to escape the country because people wanted to kill him for this. I think she plays the piano. Right. So now you tell me all about you. It is. She began a sexual relationship with stuff the next day, which is wild. Well, here's the reverend. Bright yellow. It's he could take your place on the organ, at least on at least one organ that we're aware at least one of the organs. Who the fuck is in charge of the guy in charge when he gets there a recall versus was you screaming at him and you can just recite them. Yeah. Now, she also said that she was an obedient wife, giving in to her husband's wish to allow stuff to stay in their house. But they had to make you know, they also didn't want to demonize the victim, obviously, because that's not what the prosecutors are going for and not what we're going for. It's so weird. To have it. I mean, we dropped this courthouse business and just have Glen Bastards over there, Mathews County.